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New Here? Stop in!

Change is uncomfortable; change that requires one to enter a room full of people who all know each other is really uncomfortable; when that room is a church and that church is in a new city, state, or just a neighboring town, it can be daunting, especially if the church is a different faith or sect, or one hasn’t set foot in a church in…well, in a long time.

We hope that won’t stop you from visiting St. Alban’s Anglican Church. We believe that if you do, you’ll discover that the discomfort vanishes pretty quickly. We promise that no one will pounce on you to become a member, nor will you be totally ignored. We do our best to make visitors feel welcome for as long as they choose to visit us.

To help get you started, or just answer some questions, read on for some general information and directions. We look forward to meeting you and sharing our church and faith with you.

Service Times

St. Alban’s has two Sunday services:

8:30 AM – This is a full service with Holy Communion that is celebrated without music for those who just enjoy the liturgy and sermon.

11:00 AM – This is a full service with Holy Communion that is celebrated with the help of our wonderful choir, led by Deborah Silverstein. Deb chooses a combination of traditional music from the hymnals in the pews, and some newer Christian music with melody and lyrics included in the bulletin. Often she includes musicians who enrich the music with different instruments and voices. Kid’s Church is from 11-11:45am, in the Church Hall, for all kids 3-12 yrs old.

Between the two Sunday services, (from September through May) the Adult Education team presents various topics for discussion and learning from 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM. Upcoming topics for Adult Education are included in the Education tab of this website.

After the 11:00 service, you are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and sweets. This is completely voluntary but it gives you a great opportunity to meet us and to ask any questions you may have.


St. Alban’s is located behind Giant Eagle in Murrysville, PA. Our address for your GPS is:
4920 Cline Hollow Road, Murrysville PA 15668

If you come after dusk, you’ll be greeted by motion lights that illuminate the driveway to the church entrance.