Who was Saint Alban?
Saint Alban is the first British martyr, dating from circa 200AD, when Britain was still under Roman rule. In an act of sacrificing his all, Alban, a lay Christian convert, gave up his own life by impersonating a Christian priest, saving the priest from a death sentence to be administered by pagan Roman soldiers.
The priest had time to escape the region as the guards thought their job was finished, and the spread of the Gospel in Britain was enabled by Alban’s sacrifice.
Saint Alban represents the contributions of lay Christians in the mission of the church, and was chosen by the parishioners of our church to exemplify the quality of the lay leadership, we pray we are enabled in by the Lord’s Grace.
Alban is one of the most common church names in the Anglican Communion worldwide because he was the first British martyr.
Saint Alban is a great fit for our congregation. While we have a wonderful rector (and we hope you’ll read on to learn about him!), we also have a strong and active lay leadership. Our vestry is made up of a group of very hands-on members who keep the church running and who work well with our Rector. They and most of our congregation jump in where needed and work in various lay ministries to teach adult education and Sunday School, lead our men’s and women’s groups, serve as chalacists, lectors, and choir members, and much more. They also mow lawns, serve luncheons and host coffee hours, change the altar linens, arrange meals and transportation for those who are sick or just in need of a little help.
We also serve ministries and missions within and outside of our own community, reaching as far as Asia and Croatia.
It’s not all work and no play here at St. Albans. We enjoy getting together in dinner groups every month, Share-Your-Heart ice cream socials that pair adults and children to get acquainted with one another, Easter egg hunts, coffee hours after the Sunday 10:45 service and more.
All in all, we think we represent St. Alban well, and still add our own individualism into the mix.
What Does It Mean to be Anglican? (From the Anglican Church of England)
– Belief
Anglicans affirm all basic Christian truths – that which has been believed everywhere, always, and by all.
– Worship
Our worship retains a sense of holiness that comes from worshipping in a way that connects us with the ancient church – the same way Christians worshipped in ages past.
– Globally
The Anglican Communion is a global church and the third largest Christian body in the world. This means we are connected with brother and sister Anglicans around the globe – especially in the developing world where faith is vibrant and the church is growing rapidly.
– A Middle Way
Arising out of the Reformation, we share core principles and beliefs with the Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, and all Protestants. By retaining much of what has been handed down to us, we share much with the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and other ancient Churches.
– A Way of Life
Anglicans, then, are simply Christian. What defines us isn’t a set of particular doctrines. We are defined by a way of life: by praying and living the Book of Common Prayer, by worshipping together and receiving the Body of Christ in weekly Holy Communion, by loving and serving others as Christ loves us.
Anglicanism is an ethos or understanding that is best taught and experienced rather than explained. Yet it is our comprehensiveness which defines us most. In all ways, we are seeking to incorporate, experience, and embody the fullness of the Christian faith.
Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)
Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh
907 Middle St. Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Phone: 412-281-6131
Meet our Rector
This is a quote from The Rev. Dr. David H. Grissom, rector of St. Alban’s Anglican Church, who became a priest after 25 years in the business world. He received his Master of Divinity from Trinity School for Ministry and Doctorate at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. When he is not reading, writing papers, or preparing sermons, David enjoys riding his motorcycle and being outdoors. David and his wife, Linda, have four children and reside in Murrysville.
Contact Us
St. Alban’s Anglican Church
P.O. Box 466 (Mailing Address)
4920 Cline Hollow Road,
Murrysville PA 15668
Phone: 724-325-2727
*Please call for Office Hours
Church Secretary – Andrea Bach
Email –secretary@saintalbans.net
The Vestry – This group of nominated and elected individuals is charged with guarding the mission of the church, making sure that the mission of the church is being supported by the membership, upholding the financial integrity of the church, and supporting the Rector. In addition the Rector is also a voting member of the vestry; the treasurer is a non-voting member. St. Alban’s vestry consists of the following:
Senior Warden – This individual is named by the Rector to a one year commitment and is primarily responsible to the Rector.
Junior Warden – This individual is elected by the Vestry members to a one year commitment and is responsible to the congregation and to the upkeep of the building and grounds.
Vestry Secretary – This individual is elected by the Vestry members and is responsible to record the minutes of the meeting and to ensure that the minutes are distributed to the congregation. This individual is not a voting member of the Vestry.
Treasurer – Not a voting member of the Vestry, this individual is responsible for receiving revenues of the congregation and disbursing them at the direction of the Vestry, signing checks, submitting a financial report at each Vestry meeting, chairing a budget team, all bookkeeping, making payments for expenses including but not limited to, salaries, taxes, etc.
Vestry Members – These are 4 or more additional members who serve a 3 year term and who are responsible for voting on all matters before the Vestry.
To contact any Vestry member, please email them at (secretary@saintalbans.net), either referring to the position (example – Senior Warden) or the subject of the request.