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Adult Education

Adult Education and Bible Study Schedules Announced for 2024-2025

Adult Education on Sunday mornings meets between 9:45am and 10:40am in the sanctuary at the church between services beginning September 8, 2024 and running through May 18, 2025.

Weekday Bible studies for women meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings, at 7pm in the church Fellowship Hall with an option to attend virtually via Zoom. 

Men meet every Friday morning 7:30am (in the back dining room at Dick’s Diner).

The Adult Education team led by Fred Carlson conducts class in the pews at St. Alban’s between the two Sunday services from 9:45 AM until 10:45 AM from September through May.

All are welcome to attend!

The Saint Alban’s Schedule for

September – December 2024 


September 8, 15, 25, 29, October 6, 13, 20 – Building Courageous Christians by Strengthening our Biblical Worldview

A 7-week foundational review to strengthen our evangelism and apologetics with family and friends needing Christ. 7 biblical truths are walked through: God, human beings, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, the Bible, salvation and damnation, and the devil. Led by Jason Ingrassia and Fred Carlson of Saint Alban’s Adult Education team. Free 16-page color booklet given to all attendees.

October 27, November 3, 10– NT Wright on Salvation
Adult Ed team member Craig Huntington leads three weeks using one of the world’s leading theologians brief 6 minute messages on the topic of salvation. 3 messages per class with discussion time.
November 17, 24– Songs and Hymns of the Gettys
Deborah Silverstein (our music director and choir director) leads two sessions on what makes the Getty contemporary hymns so theologically profound and popular.
December 1 Thanksgiving Sunday-no class
December 8, 15, 22– The Meaning of Advent
The Bible readings of Advent pour out massive meaning on two of Jesus Christ’s truths: the birth of the Savior in human terms, born of a virgin coming to save His people, and also the prophecies related to His Second Coming-judgement, the day of reckoning, and the remade sinless universe. The Advent season established by the church in the second 500 years of its existence prepares Christians for joy in the saving acts of Jesus: who was both the babe in the manger and will be the coming revelation of righteousness establishing an eternal kingdom without sin or tears. Presented by Lawrence Silverstein with excellent handouts.
Christmas Break-No class December 29, January 5.

Saint Alban’s Additional Bible Studies 2024 – 2025

Saint Alban’s Women’s Ministry (SAW)

St. Alban’s Women (SAW) is a multi-generational group of Christian women who meet for Fellowship and Bible Study on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. Our group includes young women, active mothers, empty nest mothers, and wise grandmothers. All of us love the Lord. We hold our Bible Study Meetings in person and virtually.

SAW Bible Study: SAW will begin meeting on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month in September, October, and November (1st Tuesday). SAW will begin meeting starting on September 17. Call or text Kathy Pierce with any questions 724-516-9078.


Saint Alban’s Men’s Group (SAMs)

St. Alban’s Men’s Group (SAMs) meets every Friday morning from 7:30 am to 9 am for Bible study, breakfast, prayer, and fellowship at Dick’s Diner, Rt 22 Murrysville. If you wish to join us via cell phone connection for the discussion time, let us know! We use Bible studies with an Anglican perspective by noted authors N.T. Wright, John Stott, Tim Keller, J.I. Packer, and others. Questions? Fred Carlson (412) 389-3289 or




January 12, 19, 26–SUMMIT TALKS: Worldviews
Important basics on how one’s worldview affects their way of looking at life and the world. As Christians we need to see where others’ worldviews leave an opening for Jesus, and learn more about addressing your personal outreach.  Class these three weeks led by our Rector Rev. Dr. David H. Grissom. 
February 2, 9  Taking Your Bible Knowledge to the Next Level:  Hermeneutics for Strengthening Evangelism 
This class will take two weeks to take your favorite scriptures and using hermeneutic principles enable you to build convincing truths to assist in leading people to Jesus. Though hermeneutics is a seminary word, this presentation covers basics at a level appropriate for the laity with a heart for their neighbors. Led by Jason Ingrassia.
March 2, 9   The Book of James-
As we move from Epiphany to Lent, the words of the Book of  James and our transformed ethical behavior in Christ mean so much. Tim Lyon leads this exploration of this brief epistle, one of the first New Testament texts.
February 16, 23  March 16, 23, 30  April 6, 13 – TBA

Lenten Program 2025

Lenten Soup Dinner and Study and Discussion of the presentation “24 Hours that Changed the World” (the accounts of the Last Supper, Gethsemane, arrest, trial, beating, crucifixion/atonement) for the 7 Thursdays from March 6 to April 17.  The program will include simple soup and bread meals and viewing/discussion segments.


April 27  May 4   The Hymns of Easter Season
Adult Ed team member and Music Director Deb Silverstein presents the stories of the hymns and theology expressed in our favorite hymns of Easter. Each hymn has an amazing story of the faith of the writers and the depth of the joy of  Easter Resurrection.
May 11, 18   The Holy Spirit: Guiding the Church
Lawrence Silverstein and the Adult Ed team looks at the scriptures addressing the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit in the early years of the church (from Acts and other sources) as well as the guidance of the church today. Moving from Easter to Pentecost is the perfect time for this series!

Adult Education starts September 8!


Please click the following link to see the current Booklet:

Children's Christian Education

Christian Education for Children at St. Alban’s

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

At this time, we have “Kid’s Church” in the parish hall from 11 to 11:45 am for ages 3 to 12.